It generates abstractions

I've been watching Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" series recently.

Even though it's a bit dated it still fascinating stuff; sometimes I forget how tiny and insignificant our planet really is in the big scheme of the universe. It's a bit scary and humbling at the same time.

I'm no good at science, I don't have a mind for calculations and math so the intricate stuff is lost on me but he explains everything so simply and elegantly that it makes perfect sense.

What I enjoy most about watching it isn't just the knowledge I get from it, but how fun it is to watch Carl Sagan narrate and present it all; I've never seen anyone get excited about something the way that he did about space exploration.

Every picture and video he looks so full of life and vibrant. His optimisim and total awe at what he was discussing is what makes the program worth watching; he really believed in the good of humankind and in what we can accomplish as a species.

I want to love the things in my life the way Carl Sagan loved the universe.