Don't Don!

Did you know one of the top ten trending topics on Twitter this week was "#SuperJunior"?

My original thought was that Super Junior was the name of a hamburger so I punched it into Google expecting flanks of beef, tomatoes and cheese.

This is what I found:"Super Junior" is the name of a 13-person Korean boy band led by a guy named Park Jung-su aka "Leeteuk" which literally means "special".


Usually I write stuff like this off at this point, but the site music kicked in and out of a combination of sheer horror and curiosity I decided to check out a few videos.

I don't quite know what to make of this... part of me loves how over-the-top cheesy and unnecessary it all is, but the other part wants to throw up.

There are a lot of explosions and fire in that video, though, which I like. Also choreographed dance numbers = win.

But they seem to lose their edge after a while and become less "hardcore" industrial and start looking more like hipsters:

and sounding like this:

Way to sell out, Super Junior.

And thus ends my love affair with Korean boy band pop music, because if you have to sacrifice your chains and leather pants for scarves and sweater vests in order to sell records, what do you really have left, after all?