A long way down

Saw Black Swan last night with Ty and Cenquist yesterday and can flat-out say I was blown away.

The film was so intense I had trouble walking afterward because I'd unintentionally been clenching all the muscles in my body the entire time. It left me astounded and breathless.

I has expected to be impressed by the performances but I found myself being so on-edge with Natalie Portman's depiction of the perfectionist ballerina that it made me nervous to watch.

I'm glad to see Mila Kunis has come into her own as an actress since That 70's Show, providing the perfect antagonist and I'm glad to see she's come into her own as an actress since That 70's Show and Vincent Cassell (as always) seduced me completely. The ferocity between all the characters was almost palpable and was enhanced by absolutely stunning camerawork.

From the opening scene (one of the most intense in recent memory) to the credits it captured my attention and held on tight until well after the film was over.

Discussing it with the boys afterward over drinks I realized that I've seen most of the major blockbuster films to come out this year that are contenders for Best Picture (except 127 Hours which I have yet to see), and that, for me, Black Swan blows them completely out of the water.

From the hauntingly beautiful soundtrack -which I am currently listening to- to the razor-sharp performances given by the cast, it overshadows anything that's come out this year, by far.

Definitely go see it.