Up and over it and over them

There's something really great about re-listening to an album or soundtrack you haven't listened to in a while.
Right now, I'm listening to Sweeney Todd.
Johnny Depp and Alan Rickman are just too awesome
Saturday was really muggy and warm and overcast
(those buildings really aren't very tall...)
so after a walk to Sun Wa Ty and I retreated home and made some home-made pad thai.
$1.50 for a bottle of fish sauce?!
There were many brands to choose from... but obviously I had to get the one with the baby giving a sweet thumb's up.
Also, notice the picture of the baby is on the bottle he's holding, and then onto that bottle, and into infinity?
My mind is sufficiently blown, kids.
Extreme close-up of the best pad thai you'll ever eat.
Making desert!

Pears poached in red wine with vanilla ice cream.
If only you could have smelled how good that red wine sauce smelled... it was divine.

Life is good.

It's above zero outside.
My kitchen window's open and it smells nice and is comfy in here.
Hanging in my living room in my underpants rules.
The best late-night lazy snack ever is:
slices of pepperoni and slices of mozzarella together.

Though I'm going to have to brush my teeth again before bed.