MEME is over and I'm sick

which makes sense because over four days I got less than four hours' sleep and was basically running around the whole time.

and even though it was all worth it.

cuz I'm in it for the glory and the music and the people and the love.

and there was lots of it to go around.

now I've got sniffles and am stuffed-up and have totally lost my voice. I've been drinking this tea with fresh ginger and lemon juice and cayenne pepper in it hoping it comes back soon.

hopefully my energy makes its way back shortly as well.

once it's back and I've pulled all my photos there'll be a photo essay coming yr way but for now I wanna talk to you about a show Tyrone showed me the other night

after he brought me home and fed me thin crust pizza and brought me blankets and pillows so I could lie around on the couch

the sweet thing

is a show called Continuum which is a Canadian show that we are three episodes into

it's about the future and time travel and terrorists and so far it's pretty good

or at least has potential

and not only because badass William B. Davis is in it

who you might remember as this guy: