Gefährlich ist wer schmerzen kennt

Went to see Inglorious Basterds with Cerezo last night for the second time and since if you know what’s good for you you’ve already seen it (unless you’re Mike) and you don’t need me to tell you what a great example of Tarantino filmmaking it is.

Or maybe you do?

In either case, Hans Landa might be one of my favorite characters ever.

So smooth-talking, so ridiculous.

Loves it!

It has also inspired me to start learning my other heritage-language: German. (Mom’s from Britain and I already speak English so that’s a moot point)

I already speak French and I can see some similarities between all three in certain parts but maybe it’s my extreme exhaustion slash need for a nap but the only thing I can recall that isn’t an introductory sentence is

Ich warte im Flughafen.

I’m waiting in the airport.

Fuck, I wish I was in der bar instead.