Drive you nuts if you let it

Hello friends and neighbors!
Enjoy my glorious return to the Internet.
God, it's nice to have a day to myself sometimes.

Anyway I haven't finished compiling pictures from Friday's party yet, so you can bask in my photes from last weekend's Zombie Walk '09
I attended with these fine peeps.
Unfortunately due to extreme partying and not getting to bed until 8am Sunday morning I wound up sleeping till 6pm
and missed the chance to make fake skin and gross, peeling wounds.
Oh well.I still did an okay job I think.
In particular I like the leaf.
My favorite dish!
This kid made my life, at one point we were taking pictures of him and he realized his other zombies had left and ran away and, guys, it was possibly the funniest thing ever.
Sorry I don't have video.
Okay so Pyramid Head isn't a zombie, but fucking terrifying characters from Resident Evil can also come out and join the fun.
Awesome Kool-Aid Man Zombie.
I took this picture immediately before tripping backwards on a median and slamming my head onto the concrete
I rule!

I try to figure that things always happen for a reason, either to teach us or to change us and without going into too much detail something like that is happening
and on one hand it makes me happy
but on the other it makes my stomach twist
I'm in limbo
but nothing ever worth having comes easy