Feel the breeze

This is me today.

Except less with my face covered in coke, more the sour sneer on my face.

It's on of those days where you can't really cheer up no matter what.

This is mostly due to the fact that the saga of New Living Accomidations seems never ending; Roommate mentioned in a previous post fucked off on me at the last minute yesterday.

Turns out while I was busting my ass to find us a place, she was spending her time finding herself a place. Nice gal.

Not wanting to give up Beautiful Apartment I get the fun task of interviewing people and picking who I like best; this situation plays on my feelings of grandeur but is detrimental in the sense that I am lazy.

Okay, not Lazy. Just sick of doing the leg work and wishing the situation would just get resolved already.

The printer, which sits right next to me, keeps stopping-and-starting, stopping-and-starting, stopping-and-starting and it shouldn't bother me but it does.

How many single pages does someone need that they've been printing like this for over an hour?

I want to knock it over or throw it across the room.

See what I mean?


Hopefully my date with the gym after work will help me clear my head.

Cross-trainer, here I come.