I'll drink it by myself

Not gonna lie guys, today is stressing me out a little bit.

It's always a dark day when money issues are the source of your stress; most of the time we can't really make more than we do, so it all boils down to having a tight budget and laying low.

Last night, however, was wonderful. I had the first real stretch of alone-time in weeks and decided to take some photos of the things that made me smile yesterday and (wouldn't you know it?) are making me smile now.

Sort of like I subconsciously knew what was coming, eh?
My bed. In all it's glory, with soft pillows and blankets. I had such a good sleep last night.
Breaking Bad. My new fav tv show, it's so good! Bryan Cranson is a total badass.
These obnoxious orange fake flowers I bought from Dollarama to brighten up my room.
This picture of one of my brothers and I when we were little.
Mmmmmm delicious late-night snacks. I've had grapes and cheese on the brain lately.

Wow what would you know, I actually feel a bit better.

Things can only go up from here, right?

Goooooo Tuesday.