Think about the sun

Bought Adventure Boots on the weekend for what else Adventuring.

They have ruffles and remind me of feet from Scott Pilgrim which makes them cooler than the other Ugg ripoffs I could have bought.

Plus they have fur on the inside which is good because brrrrr is winter here.

So walking around getting supplies for Santacon this past weekend was a breeze thanks to my Adventurous Feet.

"But what's Santacon?" you ask?

Well, it's when a group of idiots rowdies dress up like Santas and go on a pub crawl.

This is what it looks like:(Taken from the Santacon Wpg group)

If you live here and aren't going I don't know what's wrong with you.

Even my friend from the Internet is going!

Which leads me back to Adventure Boots and all the sort of debauchery and nonsense I'm going to get up to while I'm wearing them
(as opposed to inside debauchery and nogoodness)
and getting stoked about it at work.

What else am I supposed to do until Tumblr comes back online?