They'll catch you now or never

Today I got hit by a car.

I was crossing the road at the lights on my way to my English exam and a car slid through the red and into intersection and into me.

Don't worry, I'm okay.

I just got pushed a few feet and landed into the slush. The guy went to get out but I was fine and hobbled away because I was going to be late for my exam.

All day I just felt a bit banged up and annoyed because I smelled faintly of Puddle, but when I was on the couch eating my mushroom soup and watching Boondocks I realized that if he'd been going faster I could have really been hurt or even worse

I started thinking about all the things I'd miss out on.

Like a pint of beer after a long day. Cuddles with Tyrone. My iPhone. Rare steaks with feta and roasted red pepper sauce (omnom). Holding hands. Fuck yeah Ryan Gosling. Swimming in Grand Beach, drunk, at 3am. Grebbles. The first (of many) snowfalls. Watching 4chan protect Wikileaks. My friends. Planning for the future. Living in the moment. Mind-blowing vegan food. The Internet. My Grandma S. Going on adventures in Adventure Boots. You.

Luckily I'm okay and live to adventure, party, tweet, love, blog another day.