I'm-a start rocking gold teeth and fangs

Saturday I finally crossed the line between just casually talking about going to hot yoga and actually putting my money where my mouth was and attending. Jabez took me to Moshka and I emerged sweater than I've ever been and on an endorphin high.

I didn't even get sick or need to take a break like I thought! Though this pose is something I need to work on; I'd rather not start retching in front of the whole class.
Despite the girl in the change room after talking about how it "really aligned her chakras" the Moshka experience wasn't all new age-y and pretentious at all.

I mean, they played Michael Jackson during the ab exercises and the instructor sang to us at the end when we were in corpse pose at the end. Definitely not the experience that I had expected.
Last night Lo Pub had a birthday party for Art and there was a fun crafting table for making silly hats, live music and visuals and some leftover brandywine from Half Pints which we definitely drank.
We experienced and were consequently amazed by the Winnitron. So cool!

But it's dinner time and we're going to watch French Connection, so I'd better go.
You know it's true.