Saw an art show last week

where they had dried squids hanging from the ceiling with bubbles made from pig intestines and green and yellow embroidery on them

the installation(s) are about fragile ecosystems being invaded by hostile species like jellyfish, the work is meant to examine things on a mollecular level and I'll be honest that wasn't what I thought about at first

I thought there are some squids hanging from the ceiling

and it seems weird that embroidering on dead cephalopods is how someone wants to express their thoughts on something though I guess that's what art is, how you express yourself about whatever you're feeling & thinking

does that mean that when I fill up my online cart at F21 in a manic mega stress-out shopping bonanza and then realize I don't want/need/can afford to buy a bunch of dresses and scarves and shoes and unload it all back out that I'm an artist?

maybe I should do a video of me shopping, punctuated with dubbed-in audio of me talking about how my university doesn't offer any of the classes I need to get my degree, or offers the ones I can take all at the same time, or that student aid thinks I make 'too much for a student' even though I don't live at home and have to pay rent to live in my apartment and also for food and stuff you need to live

I can call it Back to School and maybe have a cute intro/outro all 80's style or something because 80's are cool again, right?

but that's not art. It needs to be edgy with music everyone hates.

okay, an intro with some glam rock because nobody likes glam rock

(don't comment and tell me you like glam rock)

the video will become an overnight success because miserable people love misery and what's more miserable(ly pathetic) than someone filling and re-filling their online shopping basket with cheap clothing you can only wear for one season while lamenting over the same crap that every university student goes through every year when they register?

nothing, that's what

there isn't a university around (that I've heard of) that has their shit together enough that they can properly allow students to register, select, plan and attend their classes hassle-free and because most of us don't have rich parents or trust funds we get to deal with the goulag that is (Manitoba) Student Aid so believe me when I say I know my trials and tribulations aren't unique but art is showing how you feel in a way that makes people stop and pay attention and my video would combine two major thematic elements of the modern young woman: a shopping problem and issues with school.

if I broke up with Ty it'd be an overnight success, could you imagine? (not happening)

he brought me a glass of cucumber water just now which is sweet because I yelled at him earlier for something that was totally not his fault, I'm just in a snit because of the stuff I mentioned above and no matter how huge my F21-addicted ranting videos made me I'd have to keep him around for stuff like that. It was because I wrote a blog post that was stupid and asked him about it and he didn't 'get it' and I felt stupid and he felt stupid and I got mad because, well, I'm a bitch sometimes

maybe that's my art form