I hate this douchebag from my History of Science class

here are some things he said today before class started (just make sure you read them in your most condescending, annoying and obnoxious voice, so it's accurate):

I think that you, like me, share a pseudo-nihilistic view of the world

I hate people. My friends are "persons", once you attain a level on which I can tolerate you, you go from being a "people" to a "persons".

I'm a random person - BLEEEEEH

I have a system for eating my Jolly Ranchers... first blue, then bleen -- haha what is bleen?! It's like I'm trying to form words with some pseudo-developed speech system

he's a Transcona person, like me. whoop whoop.

sometimes I get bored and frustrated and I end up gnawing on my desk at home, I'll sit with my forehead against the desk and - it's made of particleboard, by the way

I wrote six pages in two hours (to the prof... why does he care?) in two hours I finished a proposal AND half of my microbio paper

how do I say that in Klingon?

/speaking in Klingon/

I probably made some sort of grammatical error because it's a made up language like esperanto

48,000$ on drugs!

it's like "this big", the keypad I mean, but the buttons are the size of your thumb. I had to clarify in case you thought I was talking about a penis.

I want to kill myself.