I'm only giving you five minutes, blog

because the minute I stopped moving I felt like lying down and I can't blog while lying on the couch rewatching episodes of sherlock because that benedict cumberbatch is just too damned amazing and distracting for me to actually focus on typing.

plus my feet still hurt from folk fest and I'd like to put 'em up asap or perhaps have them rubbed. what's a girl got to do around here to get someone to rub her feet?

wait, don't answer that.

there were lots of peeps walking around the fest with bandaged-up feet because, I assume, they were hoofing it around barefoot and stepped on something sharp which makes my toes curl in a bad way just thinking about it.

I get that folk fest is hippie central but it's still camping and shit still gets all busted and nothing would suck more than having to hang out at first aid instead of around a campfire with your friends.

which is why I crammed my feet into shoes all weekend even though I wanted to frolic barefoot though the dew and the grass, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to weasel a certain someone who just got home into rubbing 'em for me if they were all bandaged up.

sometimes even I think ahead.