I always remember my dreams

once I had a dream that I was walking down the middle of a football field. it was 'indoors' because it had a roof over it and sunlight was coming in through spaces between the beams. there was a girl in a yellow dress and a white hat holding blue flowers and she let them go and I was running after them but couldn't catch them.

there was one time I had a dream I was drunk and trying to find a breakfast place. I was with tyrone and kat and we were all drunk-dialling people trying to find out which place was open and I wanted pancakes but Smitty's wasn't open.

there was one night I dreamt that tyrone and I were looking at this building that's actually being reno'd into condos a few streets over, and we went to go look at 'em but all the suites had this big, shared vaulted ceiling. only the bedrooms in the suites had individual ceilings which is hard to explain but it's true. we were all 'wtf' because there were all these couples clamouring to buy them and we were all 'guys you don't have any privacy' and they were like 'whatevs'.

one time I dreamt about tambourines but that was only because ford was playing under the bed wearing his collar with a bell on it.

last night I dreamt about
