Happy 88th birthday Jimmy Carter

once upon a time I didn't give a damn about politics, especially american ones because what did I care, it wasn't my country anyway. but back in 2008 I happened to catch barack obama's acceptance speech for the democratic nomination and it struck something in me.

now I'm a pundit-listening, politics-reading, opinionated, little social democrat and damn proud of it.

I like my politicians thoughtful, forward-thinking, retrospective, honest, and sincere.

which means I don't like most of them.

except this guy, jimmy carter.

a while back I happened to find the crisis of confidence speech he gave to america in 1979 and if you ask me it's one of the last times a politician has been honest.

he admitted he'd made mistakes.

he said that america had made them, too.

he told the country they needed to change.

and the public tore him apart as a result.

after him came ronald reagan who imo was one of the worst things to ever happen to 'mericuh and the world but that's not what this post is about.

it's about the great, forward-thinking man that for a little while was in charge of america and is now a renowned human rights activist and peacekeeper.

he's what americans should look up to. a peanut farmer who became president and went on to do good in the world.

but they don't. they shit on him, and it's a damn shame. because that guy knew what the fuck he was doing and could have led that country to do even more great things.

so here's to you, jimmy. thanks for giving it a shot and trying to save america.

even though they didn't want to be saved.

you're a shining example of what a good man looks like.