tree. baking. pretty lights. the holidays.

put up our tree last night. this 7 1/2 foot monstrosity that unfortunately is made of plastic and love instead of bark and needles because getting a real tree this year just wasn't in the cards since I was kinda scared my little cat-man wouldn't be a fan.

but as he is with all things, Ford is zen cat once we were done rearranging the furniture and making a mess and things went back to normal he stopped giving us the evil eye and hung around the tree like s'all good.

christmas baking is also complete, in total we made four different kinds to give to our nearest 'n dearest which took two weeknights in total to make which is the most time I've spent baking all year. yr girl doesn't do much baking because 1. it's not very good for ya and 2. patience is a virtue I don't really have.

but I sucked it up and baked and omg you guyse we made marshmallow from scratch which is apparently really really hard but we manhandled it because tyrone and I are a power couple.

it's finally winter throughout all of canada and while doing stuff that feels 'christmassy' makes the long canuck winters seem a bit more bearable

all last night I had this song stuck in my head and couldn't stop thinking

goddamn I miss folk fest.