canadians skating

how predictable.

I like skating a lot but I suck at it and we never go because I don't own skates like a true canadian girl and also because tyrone has bad luck with rental skates. in the background of the above photo you can see him and john going back up the stairs from the river (which I am sitting on underneath that bench) because tyrone's skates weren't supporting his ankles.

which they almost never do.

bro has serious issues with rental skates. they almost never fit properly which means our skate dates are pretty short-lived. like yesterday we got onto the ice and started skating and I was all

wait where's tyrone?

and I noticed him standing by a bush off to the side of the skating path looking sad

(he really is the cutest sometimes)

and so he went to go see about exchanging his skates for different ones with no luck because some dastardly kids stole a bunch of skates from the rental place the night before so they were low on skates and we were all 'omg who steals skates from the forks?' but those were the facts.

afterward we drank some soco and wine and played tag in the back lane, but you don't want to hear about that.