Today is Tony Pierce's birthday

Tony writes the best blog ever, the busblog, which I read religiously.

You'd think after being a blogger forever Tony would run out of interesting things to say, but no, his post just get better and more entertaining and I find myself coming back to the busblog for blogspiration whenever I'm stuck on what to write.

You'd also think doing stuff like being the community manager for the Oscars and Ubering all over LA would actually detract from the quality of the stuff he writes

but like the Blogfather he is it's just made him better.

He messages me nice things once in a while, which I love because it's nice to hear nice things from people far away and every time I get a notification it melts my icy Canadian heart a just little bit.

I have dreams of secretly heading to LA and hopping in his car while he's out Ubering and being like


and then drinking rum on a beach with him in the middle of February because you can do that in LA.

Maybe one day it will happen, we'll see.

Till then I'll just send him love from far up in the chilly Canadian Prairies:

Happy Birthday, Tony.

May your life always be full of
sick concerts
beautiful girls
delicious food
amazing nights
and the most kickass blog posts ever.


yr girl Shaner
