Drove up a curb today


Followers of this blog will know that recently I started learning to drive for real and it's been an interesting experience to say the least. Not bad per-se, but driving definitely isn't my favourite activity as I've mentioned earlier.

It's also a weird experience to learn to do something that almost everyone else around you already knows how to do, and has been doing for years and even decades at this point. It's hard not to judge yrself because omg I really don't know how to parallel park and definitely need to practice taking tighter turns, but it's also been a good exercise in trying to be more 'zen' about things.

Which is hard for an anxious, excitable Scorpio with heaps of emotional baggage like yours truly.

But somehow I've been managing and it's been pretty cool, but I guess that when life is generally going in a good direction it's easy to feel zen a lot of the time.

The business is good.

Love life is good.

Relationships are good.

Physical and mental health is good.

Things generally seem to be moving in a really positive direction and it's partly amazing and wonderful and also partly terrifying because we all know good things don't last forever, amirite?

Kinda like how the smell of campfire smoke only smells charming a few days after camping before it starts to stink, good things only last so long and it can either be a source of stress or be a reason to learn to try and let go a little bit.

Maybe like The Oatmeal says, we shouldn't expect to feel "happy" all the time.

Maybe that's not the point.

Maybe the point is to learn to enjoy the quiet moments of stillness in yr life when everything's coming up Milhouse and just be cool with how things are at the moment.

Not worry so damn much about what could happen tomorrow or next Tuesday or a month from now.

For right now, I'm just enjoying things as they are and doing my best to be chill about things while things are chill. I'm totally going to let myself off the hook for getting a little overwhelmed at trying to learn a new life skill today because until now I've been doing great.

Next week I'll show that curb whose boss and not hit it.

And if not, try, try again.

(See? Zen af.)

(At least, I'm kinda getting there.)

Tags: Life