On the porch at midnight
I’m on my porch
the only light on a dark block
everyone’s asleep
but me.
I’m sitting here, thinking of you
and you, and you, and you
the seasons we shared
the ways we populated
the seasons of each other’s lives.
Pulled each other up
nurtured our roots
or let them anguish
or over-tended
or put in effort in when
things were rotten from the start.
I breathe in
the empty night into my too-full heart
and remember
who I used to be
when we met
when we met
we met
the days, long gone now
years and years
entire lifetimes ago.
Nobody tells you when you’re young that everybody changes.
Or maybe they
do but we think
we won’t
we’ll stay
the same
friends forever.
Lovers for always.
Nothing changes until it does.
Someone told me once that you can’t take everyone with you and I didn’t believe them
Ubers pass on the street over
and I wonder if you’re in one
but you’re not
so I leave the lights on for you
and I make my way to bed
but just for the moment.