Dear Tyrone
today is our two-year anniversary and there are some things I want to say to you:
I'm sorry about all the stupid things I do. like the time I got drunk & fell off my bike and yelled at you and accidentally locked you out of the apartment and then fell out of bed (awesome story!). for being a sore loser when we play Mario Kart and I suck. for sometimes brushing my teeth when you're in the shower (oops). for wine blackouts. for being impatient. for touching your toenails because I know you don't like it. for not always remembering to read the expiration dates. for not being a morning person. for liking really awful kitschy garbage. for wearing your fuzzy socks when my feet get cold. and for pewts.
thank you for putting up with my clicky thumbs (I'm sorry! really!). for making me coffee and breakfast every morning. for telling me that the amount of belly button lint you have in your belly button is directly proportional to how much you love me that day. for teaching me to cook. for encouraging me to n3rd out hard and play video games all day. for IKEA. for holding me when I cry. for cracking my toes. for turning me into an Apple fangirl. for buying me flowers. for making me laugh till I fall over. for being honest when I ask you if my outfit makes me look fat. for always letting me pick the music. for understanding that I DO need two closets and most of our dresser for all my clothes & shoes. for pyaws and bwehs. for PD hits. and for (you know).
I think you're an absolutely wonderful person and every day with you is amazing.
I love you.