one of my profs has a beef with crows

he said this during a lecture once: let's talk seriously for a second about birth control for crows and yes it's weird and he's weird which is why his class is great, but he was talking about how crows are supersmart and wily and it worries him.

ever hear about those crows that use cars to crack nuts?

wtf is up with that?

there are lots of crows that hang around in my neighbourhood and some of them are downright intrusive. they'll hang around in front of our windows (we're on the 3rd floor) and yell at us or come right up to you while you're standing on the front stoop and give you mean crow cut-eye like they own the place.

personally they make me nervous, birds that are that smart are bound to figure it all out eventually.

I mean c'mon this crow figured out how to go tubing