Tyrone's #BreakItOff report

yes I know things have been quiet on the #BreakItOff front but not for trying

I recorded a VDay vid earlier in the week about what it was like to begin dating a smoker, and how I was against it and thought Tyrone was smelly and had bad breath but it got lost somewhere between the memory card and my iPhoto and it's gone awol

not that there hasn't been progress in the Shane/Deise household!

I have to say, I'm incredibly proud of him for sticking with it. midterms have had me acting like a crazy person the last few weeks and I'm sure that he would have liked the excuse to get away from my frazzled, stressed-out self.

and even with me being a stressed-out ragelor all over the place Tyrone managed to find the time to pick up where I failed left off and recorded this to share with you guys:

on a more personal note, I've decided that I'm not going to watch the videos that Tyrone posts. I'm not sure why, but I feel like maybe this will allow him to be more frank when speaking about his progress in his videos? who knows?

anyway, I'm proud of him as always, and have been glad to be speaking with some peeps & tweeps lately who have been inspired by his decision and are making a (private) #BreakItOff pact with themselves, too! good for all of you :)