Almost time for Folk Fest
I've been listening to this song (my Folk Fest jam) nonstop.
I've made a million lists in the past few days.
Packed and re-packed my stuff because I'm cray.
I have all the essentials: emerald green fleece cloak for nighttime. Face paint for daytime. Beer. Snacks.
I also volunteer with a few friends which is radder than it sounds. In exchange for getting up early and walking around for a few hours for three days of the festival I get to camp, see all the shows, and eat as much amazing food as I want. I'll share the food later if I remember. It's that good that I want to brag about being able to eat it 'fo free.
Tonight after work I'm biking my fine ass home and then Ty's driving me out to Bird's Hill where I'll meet up with the handful of friends who are already there and I have a whole night/day/night to party before I have to be responsible for my volunteer shift.

I'm stoked about this because last year I didn't have that extra day to hang. I mean, it was great and all, but having a day to myself will be the bee's knees.
Oh also all of these people are playing and I'm gonna see 'em (plus more):
Holy shit this weekend's gonna be good.