I'm so exhausted it's hard to type

I'm lying in bed resting my poor, sore feet after spending the whole evening cleaning the apartment. When you have hardwood floors everywhere plodding back and forth from room to room dusting, sweeping, mopping and etc takes a toll and combined with the excessive partying between festivals and weddings and etc lately I'm wiped.
It's almost a shame that we're leaving to head to BC in two sleeps for Motion Notion.
I didn't grow up going camping at all and the first time I went "camping" it was just this giant outdoor multi-day mini festival and I didn't even have a tent. I was supposed to share a tent with a girl I knew and that kinda got fucked up.
That was a fucked up weekend, kinda.
But it got me camping, which has led to it being an "every other weekend" event every summer.
Anyway the day after Motion Notion ends Ty and I are going to Radium Hot Springs and we're gonna stay in a hotel with a real bed and a real shower and go for greasy food in town in addition to soaking in the hot springs before driving home.
After four days of camping in tents and only showering when I feel like coughing up $5 (!!!) for a few minutes of soapy goodness it's gonna be unreal.
I'd like to say I'll be blogging about it but who knows. I'm so behind with Folk Fest and Owen and D's wedding and all the other nonsense we've been up to this summer that I can't make any promises right now.
Because I'd never lie to you, because ILU.
Even if I don't keep in touch all that often.