Tagged: Thoughts
Been thinking about this movie a lot lately
- by admin
I saw Stop-Loss quite a while ago and was really disappointed with it, which is why it seems to weird that I'm thinking about it so much
I think it's because I have a problem with how a film that, at first, seemed to be taking a stand against injustice and winds up making you feel smothered by it instead
because after going AWOL after being stop-lossed, Ryan Philippe's character gets back on the plane and goes back to a war which he disagrees with and which has mentally scarred him and his friends
it's like everything he stood for and believed in, he had to let go of because it was 'for his country' and I just can't stand that kind of blatant shove-it-down-your-throat patriotism, which is what this feels like: that they played it safe when they could have really made a statement about something important
I feel like we do that too much these days
back down, I mean
and though it's just a movie it seems to send the wrong message
like there's no point fighting at all