Just a body of years, now a pile of bones

I was going to put up a few drunk pictures Alyx and I took on Friday and the blurry ones that I took at this amazing show I went to at the planetarium on Saturday or the amazing sandwiches that Ty and I made on Sunday or talk about how I just had spring rolls and popcorn with dill on it and watched Thirteen with Candice but I'm too tired to be witty about it and present it all in a nice, entertaining fashion.

I miss writing on my blog.

Do you guys remember Old Blog? When I'd write that weird and sometimes mildly smutty shit and post it because I just didn't give a fuck?

I long for those days; because of what happened with it I'm scared to put any sort of creative writing up here and have so much crap kicking around my computer here and at work and on scraps of paper kicking around and little notes tucked into corners of my apartment where I'll find them when I'm not expecting it and think
that was a witty moment I had there
and think about posting it here but probably wuss out as per usual.

I miss writing though, I miss sharing it here and exercising it and I'm really thinking of re-posting a bunch of my old shit that I particularly liked but does that count at Blog Post Cheating?

Maybe I should just man up and post my writing here, anyway?

What do you guys think?