something scary just happened
which was that I was playing Limbo, which I may have blogged about before (probably) and is this platformer for XBoxLive that is super creepy and off-putting which of course makes it very, very good. Basically it's all shadows and light, no dialogue but for sound effects and some subtle music you don't realize is playing until you notice your skin crawling.
it looks like this:
and there isn't a restart or a save or anything, it's all trial and error and the only way to know if you've made a mistake is if you die. which you do. often. and in a really gory fashion, usually.
anyway so I'm playing along and there are several instances where you have to fight this giant spider by breaking its legs in bear traps or knocking it into a spiky pit or pulling its legs off and rolling it into a hole. after beating this spider I get up to go pee and when I come back this is what's on the couch:

yes that's A SPIDER
it looks teeny because I took the photo from far away because there is zero chance that I am going near a spider so I took it at arms length while Tyrone went and got some paper towel to kill it with.
he didn't catch it right away and it proceeded to crawl over part of the couch and if that wasn't scary enough the place where it was hiding was right behind my head.
so now we have switched spots on the couch and Tyrone is playing Limbo instead while I blog because I've had enough scary spiders for tonight, thank you.