crazy neighbour moved out yesterday

it's a post-Christmas miracle.

I've been dealing with this crazy woman since I moved in two years ago, back when she harassed my old roommate for smoking outside on the front step (& having the occasional stoop beer with me). one time after chewing him out she baked him cookies which was weird, so we thought maybe she just had a crush on him or something.

see that's the funny thing about this chick. she had a way of chewing you out and making you feel like you were the problem, not her, and no good tenant wants to out themselves as potentially being bad tenants. so we stayed quiet as she would stop us going in/out of our suite and the building to let us know that our friends were too loud, we were too loud, our feet were too loud, whatever.then he moved out, Tyrone moved in, and she turned her sights on us.

on Halloween she stopped us each individually to say that she "hoped we weren't planning on having people over for Halloween", and that we should "get together at other people's houses" because her schedule is different than ours.

she showed up at our place one Sunday morning accusing us of having people over the night before because there had "been people coming and going until 3am" the night before, even though we had spent the night at a friends place and weren't even home.

the final straw(s) came when she tried to evict the woman living above her because her she could hear her cat walking around, and she took showers at 6am in order to get ready for work which woke her up.

she had apparently lived in our building for nearly a decade, switched multiple apartments, and still managed to harass and bother every tenant in the building regardless of how much noise they did (or didn't) make, and where her suite was. it just goes to show how alienated you can feel living in a building full of other people, all dealing with the same, private problem if you're made to feel like you're the only one at fault.

as we were returning from our errands yesterday she was standing in front of her door with her parents talking to them and I had to laugh at the dirty look she gave me, because in the end nearly every tenant in the building wrote letters to our rental agency. I wrote two. I wonder if she knows.

whatever. good riddance.