saw this great band last night

called Sons of York

at a teeny tiny bar that you have to walk through the front part of a restaurant and down some stairs to get to that feels like a grotto and has Big Rock on tap and was filled with people in big parkas because it was effin' cold

Sons of York played for a bit as Sons of York but also played as Teenage Mutant Ninja Band for their 90s cover show which is what Kevin and Rhonda and I were there to see which was also awesome.

they played Weezer and RHCP and some other stuff which was also good, but I forget what because I'm kind of in a rush right now

creep on Sons of York here, here and here

which you should do because they're really, really good.

oh and 5 Fifty Five Osborne please get a website or FB page or something together so I can creep your shows, pls.

I'm outta here guyse, we've got a ride waiting outside.

happy saturday.