Nuit Blanche Wpg 2012 edition

night out on the town with two of my favourite boys. got dolled up and hung out at the WAG people-watching, chatting and catching up. wandered around and saw some neat installations. tyrone says he's got tons of ideas for MEME 2013 which is exciting. left my mark on the wall in one of the rooms because why not?

saw lots of familiar faces. walked around tons. wound up at an AV show in the exchange somewhere. I thought we were lost. we weren't. mulligan was there so I know it was cool. got greasy pizza for the walk home. didn't eat it because I was too tired. slept in. so good.

today is wonderful. had a great cup of coffee. leaves are falling and it smells like autumn. watched this music video and I love it. great start to the week.