We came, we saw, we ate bacon
baconfest winnipeg is in its second year but this was my first time going and it was worth it to eat stuff like what's pictured above, which is bannock (I think)
@cenquist was there with his sad/scary movember 'stache taking notes about everything we ate which I forgot to do because I was too busy eating, duh.
there were bacon cookies and bacon cakes and bacon hot dogs with bacon sprinkles and bacon cinnamon buns and bacon pitas and bacon ravioli with lobster and bacon ice cream and omg
Tyrone was looking extra-sharp in his fab new bowtie and stunning 'stache
there were my little ponies
whose bacony insides we devoured with bread and pickles and peppers, oh my
and which @kenquist used to stir his bacon-espresso-coffee creation which tasted good but got weird towards the end

big thanks to @elishadacey for the ticket hook-up!