Tagged: barleys-angels
today was crazy
- by admin
I spent all day helping host a luncheon at my work for nearly 100 people and it was hectic and crazy and I spent my entire day running back and forth and up and down floors and buzzing like a bee all around the giant dining room and now my calves and feet hurt and I am celebrating it with red wine. we're making chicken parm and it's snowing outside and somehow it feels whimsical in here. maybe it's the wine.last night was the first Barley's Angels meeting at HalfPints. what is that you ask? women who love beer getting together and socializing about and over beers. hosted by the lovely Nicole aka Sweet Nikki of HalfPints.

Stir Stick Stout floats
apparently kat and john are coming over to play cards (which is worrisome considering the wine I've has and since I don't know how to play any card games besides go fish) should be fun.
ciao! xo