Tagged: bitch
life's all
- by admin
"I'm gonna stress you out today for no good reason!"
and I'm like
I found this awesome gif while trolling on the Internet
drinking coffee
listening to Chromatics
warm as fck
while it's -40 outside
so you can suck it
almost nap time
- by admin
which will be my third one today because I'm sick. still. I'm kind of cranky mostly because I can never get sick like a regular person and be like "omg I'm bedridden for two days" sick or even get the flu properly. I just get sinus headaches and migraines which means I'm lying on the couch waiting to get better while my mind jumps to a million different places. like today.
to make matters worse when I woke up this morning I realized that there was nothing to eat in the apartment because it had been to cold to go grocery shopping on the weekend. which meant that I had to bundle up and pop a bunch of tylenol and go to the corner store. which isn't really as bad as it sounds but when yr sick everything is a million times worse.
for instance right now I'm drinking green tea and watching SOTC under a blanket but all I can think of is
fuck I wish I wasn't feeling like ass right now
instead of
wow I'm kinda lucky I'm sick because I don't have to go out in -40 weather while everyone else does
because I'm an idiot. a sick, stuffy idiot who is going to go back to sleep.