Tagged: bitches
bonded with a stranger today
- by admin
not like that omg get yr mind out of the gutter.I was at starbucks in polo park waiting for my tall skinny vanilla latte in the teeny-tiny waiting space they give you after you've ordred which is in-between the rope they use to corral you into the line, and a door so people can exit and enter the starbucks
which is bad enough as it is
but after I got my tall skinny vanilla latte that said 'Tyrone' on it (because he ordered it for me, the sweet thing) I turned to put some milk in it and grab a lid and one of those nice sleeves you put on yr cup so you don't spill tall skinny vanilla latte all over yr fingers
and there was this chick at the milk/sugar/lids bar

standing there
taking her sweet-assed time
this chick was skinny as fawk so it wasn't a matter of physical bulk taking up space, she was just taking up all of it
you guys know what I mean
I sighed real loud and the dude next to me who was also waiting with his coffee in hand
looked over at me and we both pressed our lips into thin lines of disgust and widened our eyes at each other as if to say
wtf is going on here
and chicky is picking through all the various milks
and picking oh, just the absolute perfect cup lid for her precious whatever-the-fuck she was drinking
and her equally douchey boyfriend, with his hat and its stupid gold sticker
just grinned stupidly
and this went on
and on
and on
for a good couple of minutes
which doesn't seem like long but is an eternity in the world of starbucks drink condiment lines
and finally she leaves and dude and I both sign
and he offers to let me use the milk/sugar/lids bar first because some people have manners and he can see my cup doesn't have one of those cardboard anti-heat things
but I said
we can share, there's enough room for both of us
and as we put the final touches on our overpriced drinks
we rolled our eyes at each other
and smiled
and he said
"she must not be from around here"
and I laughed.
waiting for my lunch at Stella's
- by admin
and the girl at the next table is talking (loudly) to her friend and is talking about how her boyfriend -who she lives with- asked her to cut back on the barhopping because he can't keep covering her for rent and she turned around and said "I don't see why I have to give up my partying just so he can get his stupid degree".in the fifteen minutes I've been here (food just arrived) she's bitched about her boyfriend, a coworker, a coworkers husband, a 'friend', her boyfriend and their house and their tv and it's like this big nonstop slew of negativity and it's so toxic.
Tyrone, I love you, thanks for not being a big barstar and paying the rent on time.
he is also home sick today, which I would gladly trade for sitting near this girl.
apparently she is going to break up with her boyfriend and 'find someone better'.