Tagged: golfing
when I was little I had a different dream job
- by admin

I didn't want to be a Communicating Person or Social Media Queen or Community Manager or a Blogger or a Social Media Coordinator or anything else like that
I wanted to be a golfing farmer.
I basically grew up on Kildonan golf course and obviously was into golfing when I was younger, which was somewhat spoiled by the fact that when I was 10 years old my dad took my two younger brothers and I golfing and my middle brother hit me in the stomach with his club by accident and I got very sick and threw up all night
we had had chicken wings for dinner that night and for nearly a decade I couldn't eat chicken wings because the taste reminded me of throwing up
and I also stopped golfing.
it's funny how that works, my dad says, that teenage kids get 'too cool' to golf and then once everyone graduates highschool and starts to actually grow up and stop being 'too cool' for everything, golf becomes something that a lot of people get into.
but not me.
I'm not sure why, maybe it was the golfclub to the stomach incident which was lingering with me or the fear that I'd be terrible or laziness or a combination of all three but I found out that my work does an annual golf trip every summer and decided there was no time like the present to start hitting the fairways
(at least I remember the terminology)
so this evening I spent some quality time with my amazing dad and he took me out to one of the public 9-hole courses, Crescent Drive, to go whack some balls around and see if I was still any good
which it turns out I am.
after flailing about on the first two holes we caught up to a group of teenage guys who my dad dubbed the "weekend warriors" who clearly had seen me sucking on the previous holes and decided to be 'gentlemen' and let us play through them because obviously they wanted to see how badly I would do because, honestly, I was doing pretty badly. so I lined up and pushed my hair out of my face and kept my eye on the ball and whacked that sucker over 150 yards.
turns out I don't totally suck at golfing, after all.