Tagged: iwd2012
it's International Women's Day
- by admin

and even though you guys know I'm all about Mr Tyrone I have to say, I love the ladies and I'm proud to be living in a time where society places importance on really important topics like making sure women receive the same education as men, that they are provided with opportunities to succeed and make a difference, and that there's a focus on old, old wooden ships in the workplace.
so in honour of #IWD2012 I want to take a second to give a shout-out to some really awesome ladybloggers who deserve your attention, respect, and totally platonic love.
Christine Estima
what I like about Christine is that even though I've never met her in person I don't get the impression that she takes any shit at all, which I hugely respect. she does a fantastic job of showcasing graffiti around Toronto and all the other crazy places she's travelled to and reading her blog is probably the closest I'll ever get to 'street cred', and is a mash-up of pictures of street art, posts about local events (usually street-art related), and some really insightful posts like Christine's Manifesto on Sex
Erica Glasier

Kris Göetz
known to many as the Shambled Rambler there is no other blogger chick in this world who I wouldn't love to slam back and beer and a Big Mac with. not only is she smokin' hot (as are all Canadian ladies, amirite?!) but she's funny as hell and runs her own company The Media Haus which is too busy to even have a website up, so I have to settle for linking to its twitter (which you should follow). oh, and her blog is a stellar read, also.
probably one of the few ladies I know still doing "old fashioned blogging" aka "take lots of pictures of your ish, your food, yourself, and make commentary" which is refreshing in an Internet of niche blogs about exercise and eating right. I love Krista because she's authentic, if she's having a shit say her blog reflects it, if something great is happening she spills her heart about that too and it's a rare quality in a person especially among people on The Internet. she gets a spot here because she's such a sweetheart (and her photography skills are pretty top-notch too).
you can love her or hate her or whatever but no matter how you look at what she's built for herself Raymi is still doing it after a decade, which is more than most people can say about any project or job which is saying something. I know a lot of people have mixed feelings about Raymi but if there's one thing the haters can't deny it's that she's made herself into a marketing tool and done pretty well for herself as a result.
some other ladies you should give your love to are
Kyla Roma + Smelly Danielly + Fashion Flirt + Gage + Joey
Photos from the megahot Krista + vintage Raymi