Tagged: jim-henson

aujourd'hui je vais vous parler en français

- by admin

un petit peu.

est-ce-que tu savais que je peuvent parler le français? c'est malheureux mais par-ce que tous mes amies sont des anglophones je ne peut pas pratiquer ma deuxiemme langue très souvent.

peut-être c'est pour cette raison que j'aime la musique français. comme ça:

that was actually embarrassingly hard, wow.

in case you can't speak French, basically what I said was just that I speak French but don't get to practice it often because most of my friends are anglophones and the ones who speak french don't just speak it for fun. honestly the grammar was the hardest part, after a while you forget where all the accents and stuff go. whew.

in other news because I hurt my knees running we didn't go for a bike adventure and watched an episode of this on Netflix.

Jim Henson forevs.

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