Tagged: movies
just realized I didn't blog today
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guess that's the downfall of working on projects all day and then meeting up with some sweet tweeps in the evening.
@cdnbeer was in town so we met up with him for a while and after having a few Half Pints Tyrone and I are back at home and I learned a few things today:
- I look like Lisa Loeb (I don't)
- shorts and tights are warm as long as you wear a wool sweater
- white nail polish doesn't look as trashy as I thought it would
- hugs from @nicolerudge are awesome (I got four!)
and now it's time to order pizza and drink imported beers and watch movies so happy Friday to you all.
I'm trying to write today, but I can't
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I spent all day in a sick-coma. slept till noon, woke up, made an insane sandwich which I forgot to take a picture of before inhaling in with my sickness-empty stomach. here is what was in it:
2-egg omelette folded over some pieces of cheddar and mozzarella
sliced red onion
sliced vine tomato
on whole-grain bread
now I want to eat again.
ps how badly do you want to see this movie? I do x1,000,000
today I am home sick.
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some crazy stuff happened this weekend that meant instead of resting up I was awake until nearly 4am Saturday night and stressed out all yesterday which I guess compounded onto not feeling great last week left me in this state. awful.so here I am hopped-up on Buckley's and waiting for Tyrone to get home and make me soup. I'm not sure which movie I will make him watch with me just yet but I think it might be this one:
if you look up the names of the actors in it and say them out loud it's like you're a record playing backwards or throwing up in your mouth, kind of. Icelandic is weird.
I love video games
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we all know this.Since I got it as a Christmas gift I've been allowing Fallout: New Vegas to eat up a good chunk of my free time -I've beaten it once and am replaying it again and taking a totally new approach and storyline (one of the joys of modern gaming IMO).

Since Ty and I live together he's been exposed to a lot of the game over the past while, in addition to many omgomgomgomg moments as I played through the game the first time and it only makes sense that after dealing with my obsession for so long he had to find out what all my giddy, fangirlish excitement was about.
As a result we now have to set schedules for who gets to use the Xbox 360, but that's another story entirely.
Another side effect is that not only do we have actual in-depth conversations about the plot of the game, but that we (Ty) has developed a slight obsession with post-apocalyptia and dystopian futures.
Which is how we wound up watching this last night:
I have to say that The Road is one of the most intense and wholly depressing film experiences I've ever had. The story follows an unnamed father and son as they travel south to the ocean in a world destroyed by some natural

Ty was pumped because Viggo is in it but despite several n00d shots from the back he reminded me too much of Christian Bale in The Machinist to be eye-candy
(honestly just looking at the photo to the right freaks me out -eugh!)
though his acting prowess definitely deserves some cred here. I always forget that he's not just a handsome gentleman, but also a first-rate actor.
Anyway, creepy Christian Bale aside the film 'The Road' is based on a book (of course) which I am ordering off Amazon as we speak because something so sublimely off-putting on film must be even better in book form, and what better light summer reading that a book about the end of the world and humanity as we know it?
But apparently not all dystopian films are depressing and make me want to jump off a cliff à la 28 Days Later and/or star Charlton Heston doing this:
Uh... what. Anyway case in point is Six String Samurai, an apparently ridiculous dystopian comedy which we will be watching tonight:
Do you guys have any movie recommendations for dystopian films?
Foreign Film Love
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I have to say, the Danish know how to make a movie. If you haven't had the chance to see it, log yourself on to Netflix (and if you don't have Netflix -get it, you silly goose! It's so cheap!) and give it a watch the next time you're in the mood for something darker. Because while the film isn't 'horror', it's definitely a psychological film.
The plot centres around Mikael, a normal if not bored husband who has been in a funk lately and has taken some time off work to try and sort himself out. When the film starts he's not doing a very good job of it, and asks his brother-in-law who is a doctor to allow him to partake in a study testing out a new type of anti-depressant (or it could be anti-anxiety, they don't say).
Needless to say things don't go as well as one could hope, and a series of events occur that had us giving each other uneasy glances as the scene progressed. If there's one thing this film knows how to do, it's to make you feel uncomfortable.
I'll tell you straight-up that I saw the plot twist coming a mile away, and it's a typical European film in the sense that the ending is very anti-climactic, but I don't feel like either of these things take away from the overall feel of the film itself, which is one of general unease and discomfort. There were definitely a few moments when I felt my body tense up as I was watching the scene unfold.
If you're in the mood for something darker, foreign (listening to them speak Danish was so interesting!) and with superb acting -Ulrich Thomsen does a great job!- I'd highly recommend this film. Take a look at the trailer and let me know your impression:
Fear Me Not - Trailer
Another film I adore is the Swedish film Låt den rätte komma in or Let The Right One In. It's about vampires (well, one), and really impressed me with how subtly creepy it was. There's also apparently an American remake of the film... but we'll just pretend it doesn't exist.
Have you seen it?
Additionally, the weather here lately has been near-unbearable for May, it's windy and cold and has been raining since the weekend. I'm trying not to let it get the best of me and am have been using this Scale of the Universe to cheer myself up. It's a super cool site, check it out! (seriously!)