Tagged: movies
tyrone and I are going to watch solaris tonight
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which is dumb because this is the third time we've attempted to watch it but we keep getting tired. not because it's a bad movie -it's really good and pretty unsettling- but because we always try to watch it at the wrong time.the first time was a while back. we'd decided to stay in and have a sexytime saturday night in. we made chicken stuffed somethingorother and pasta from de luca's and wine oh yes, wine.
and we made a picnic on the floor in the living room with pillows and lit only candles and it was really romantic and we had a good time eating dinner.
then after we decided to watch a movie and picked the most undatelike movie in our queue which was solaris. and by that I mean the original one in russian not the one with bobble-head george clooney, just to be clear.

which didn't happen. we fell asleep like 45mins into the movie and woke up during the credits.
so it's been months and we just hadn't gotten around to it and yesterday we spent the day at home hiding from the cold and watching movies. we watched toy story 3 which made us cry and then the english patient which made us cry and then tyrone was all
hey let's finish up solaris
and I was down because I was awake and we'd been rocking movies all day so it made sense.
so we settled in and skipped to the part where we'd passed out last time and starter to give 'er the best watch ever
except 20mins before the end we were both falling asleep
I don't know what it is with us and this movie because it's all the things we like in a film, but we just get sleepy aftert fifteen minutes. either way tonight we're going to make a mean batch of soup and finish that sucker
fingers crossed.
we're watching Star Trek: The Journey Home
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why? because we just watched Star Trek: The Search for Spock of course and it only makes sense that we watch the follow-up film immediately because it's an even number and apparently the even-numbered Star Trek movies are the better ones in the series.
also because of this conversation:

what's weird is that despite the fact that Kirk keeps blowing shit up and killing people, they keep reprimanding him and giving him guff even though he always saves the world and sometimes more than one world. you'd think Starfleet would just know to let him do his thing by now, but no. they never learn.
what's also weird is that shatner's acting doesn't get any better with the successive movies. you'd think with all this practice he wouldn't sound so stiff and unnatural but, nope, he's still pretty rough.
I guess that doesn't matter when you kick ass though.
I used to watch Star Trek when I was a kid but was never that into it. probably because my mum watched Start Trek Voyager which from what I understand is one of the least awesome Star Treks, or so The Internet and my boyfriend at the time told me.
nevertheless I used to hang with her in the evenings as she watched it on the Space Channel, remember that? is it still on? I don't have cable, you tell me.
I don't really get people who choose to keep regular cable these days, actually. between Netflix and Hulu and downloading stuff (which I totally don't do) and streaming tv through web browsers it seems like an expensive way to kill time by flipping between channels.
maybe it means I'm getting old.
maybe I'm not cool anymore?
twentysomethings who watch old Star Trek on weeknights are totally cool.
last night I watched Across The Universe
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which I saw in a theatre in Hamilton a few years ago back when I lived there but didn't really get to watch for a few reasons
1. the kids in front of us brought beer into the theatre and my bf at the time was 'allergic to beer' (even though he drank sometimes -in hindsight I think he was just a lightweight a-hole) and heard the cans cracking open and smelled it because they were a row ahead of us and got mad.
2. the same kids started singing along after a few beers and he got madder.
3. after a whisper-fight about the kids in front of us drinking beer and singing and whether or not my now ex-bf should yell at them (hint: he did anyway) he moved a seat away from me and glared at me for the rest of the movie.
4. my ex didn't like the beatles and especially didn't like movies where people did covers of original songs so getting him to come with me was like pulling teeth. I mean, he got mad that they covered 'somebody to love' in happy feet.
anyway I remember being super jazzed about it coming out because you know I've always loved the beatles ever since I was introduced to them by my senior-year highschool boyfriend who was obsessed with them. he also loved tupac and the white stripes but stories about him are stories for another day.
the reason I didn't start listening to the beatles until I was in highschool was because my british mum hates the beatles which I didn't realize was actually allowed, her being british and all, but there ya go. as a result my memories of the beatles remind me of the apartment he had after we graduated and appleton's rum and parquet flooring.
but the movie reminds me of someone else, and the fight we had in the movie theatre.
or at least it did.
now it reminds me of ice cream and hugs and blogging.
funny how things change.
the big lebowski is the longest movie ever
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we are watching it right now because Tyrone has never seen it and I've started watching it about four times but have never been able to finish it due to the fact that all the scenes feel very independent of one another and usually I find that kind of film had to pay attention to.
this morning I woke up with a splitting migraine and didn't go in to work and lay around in the dark with a pillow over my head for a while. Jason was over and he and Tyrone were still asleep and Ford was yelling and I'm glad it's over now. you never appreciate life and not having a migraine until after you've finished having migraine and can sit on the couch and blog and watch movies like normal.
though truth be told I'm not really watching it anymore. maybe I'll just be one of those people who never fully sits down and watches the big lebowski to the fullest of their attention.
I don't know, it's a good film and the characters are ridiculous and over the top, but it's just... too slow? I'm not sure. it all just feels really fragmented and and I don't really care about any of the characters. except john goodman's character, he always steals the show.
honestly I've been just as entertained looking at gifs from the big lebowski as I have been actually watching the big lebowski. them's just the facts.
Yesterday I saw Father's Day at the Cinématheque
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but don't be intimidated by the fact that I saw it in a movie theatre with an accent aigu in the name because it wasn't as fancy as it sounds, though the Cinématheque it pretty much the best place to find indie movies and film festivals playing in Winnipeg.
but I'm not here to talk to you about the great independent movie theatre that I adore in my city, I'm here to talk to you about the amazing grindhouse flick that I saw there which is Fathers Day. I blogged about Astron 6 waywayway back in August 2010 when they were casting for male parts in the movie and then again when I had to turn down an offer to audition because I had so much ish going on which I am thoroughly kicking myself for it now. Fuck!

anyway Father's Day premiered at the Toronto After Dark Film Festival and here is what it won:
audience choice awards: best feature film
best hero
best kills
most original film
best trailer
best poster
and that's just one festival which should be indicative of the credit that the movie deserves. everywhere this movie went it got amazing reviews (some of which you can read here, here, here, here, here and I think you get the point. there's lots more where that comes from).
anyway you didn't come here to read about what other people think, you came here to read what I think and here it is:
the movie is full of people eating other people, vomiting, blood, gore, gross sex, hallucinations, jackets, dicks, lots of topless ladies and one naked dude and I loved every minute of it. the plot goes from being weird and ridiculous about a guy who goes around raping dads to somewhere totally bizarre and way more "wtf" in the 3rd act and manages to keep its shit together. which is saying something. on top of that it's really, really funny. Canadians know humor, what can I say.
what I love most about the movie though, which kind of makes me a suck, is the amount of love that clearly went into making it. you could tell that everyone involved with it was doing it because they supported their friends who were making something really fucking cool and original. it has the same 'labour of love' feel as The Mighty Boosh and Trailer Park Boys except with more penises, boobies and entrails. which is fine by me.
we took John and Kat to see it with us and John loved it as much as we did and Kat made a face and told me "it had funny parts" and then told me that gore makes her nauseous. but she told me that she knew when the gory parts were coming because of the music that would start up so she knew when to close her eyes while the rest of us were trying not to blink and miss anything.
so if you're in Winnipeg and you like grindhouse stuff and you want to support some talented local filmmakers Father's Day is running at the Cinématheque until Saturday March 24th so pick a time to go see it and then tell me what you thought because the more praise I hear about the film the less creepy I feel blogging about how great it is over and over and over.
and if you don't live in Winnipeg and you want to give 'er a watch, Troma should be releasing it on Blu-Ray and DVD on father's day. fuck yeah.
also make sure to go 'like' Astron 6's FaceBook page and troll the collection of articles and fan art they post there so you know I'm not the only one obsessing hard over this movie.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Snore
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is what they should have called Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy which is a movie starring a bunch of really amazing British actors which fools you into thinking the movie will be anything but slow-moving, dull, tedious, and a lot of other synonyms for 'boring', which is what it was.
the picture above this text is a lie, or at least a partial one. the first bit is interesting but then it goes on forever and we just couldn't deal with it anymore.
in case you missed it, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy vs Spy is a film based on what is apparently a great book by John LeCarré which is about british spies and the amazing Gary Oldman stars a spy who comes back to start spying on a bunch of other spies of whom he used to be a part of, but isn't anymore due to a big complicated plot that I don't feel like going into because the plot managed to make a movie which is under two hours feel like four hours, which is why we didn't finish it.
the reason we started watching was 1. because we had just watched TMNT and wanted something "more serious" and 2. because I am addicted to watching Benedict Cumberbatch and now that Sherlock is between seasons I need to get my BC where I can get it which is apparently in Tinkerbell, Tailor, Soldier, Spy which is unfortunate because even his prime acting and sharp suits didn't save it.

but with a cast line-up including Gary Oldman, The Big BC, Colin Firth, Tom Hardy, John Hurt and more, Tinker, Taylor Swift, Soldier, Spy should be great, and the first part is except for the fact that it cuts between past and present tense so quickly that we had to stop the video and double-check that we weren't both confused about what was going on. which we usually were. maybe that's the point but there's only a year between both timelines so it's not even like you can really use style as an indicator, just Gary Oldman's hair colour changing back and forth.
maybe the book is better and certainly the film adaptation of The Spy Who Came in From The Cold was amazing but basically this film felt like a big circle-jerk about uppity slow british dramas and an attempt to see how long that people would sit in their seats and endure the whole thing, which was 2/3 of the way through for us.
and thanks to wikipedia I still get to know how it ended. which was how we both assumed it would end.
save yourself some time and read the plot here.
I promise this is the last time I'll bring this up
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Saturday after wine and singing along for the Johnny Broadway (ongoing) music vid shoot we were at Pop Soda's for Litta's birthday where we crashed a lesbian dance party (literally) and I was standing in the beer line with Johnny and this girl came up to me and was likeI need to tell you how beautiful you are. can I just... touch you? your hand or something?
and I don't know what level of wasted she was (probably very) but I know which level I was so I let her pet my hand like I was The Queen or something because, well, what else was I supposed to do?
so needless to say my ego exploded all over that joint
but it's not nice to brag which is clearly what I am doing (you would too) so this is officially the last time I am bringing up the story about The Girl Who Thought I Was So Beautiful She Wanted to Pet My Hand
so let's move on and watch this trailer for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
saw robocop at the cinema last night
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yeah you heard that right, at the cinema as part of the great digital film festival which means seeing old movies on the big screen for (pretty) cheap, which is what we did last night after I worked for four hours getting cute Italian seniors drunk at the v-day party at my work. so obviously I needed some blood, gore and 'splosions to help me relax.
we went with Kat and jbroadway who gave us a lift because it was colder than a witches tit outside last night and not even Robocop is worth braving -40 weather to go see.
and would you believe I've never even seen Robocop before? yeah, I live under a rock.
it also was released the year I was born along with other such classics as
dirty dancing
good morning vietnam
evil dead 2
full metal jacket
empire of the sun
lethal weapon
the princess bride
the running man
harry and the hendersons
just kidding about that last one. plus this isn't a post about awesome movies that were released in 1987 it's a post about how awesome Robocop is and how every movie set in 'the near future' from the 80s just looks more like the 80s than the 80s did?
especially the haircuts

but this isn't a post about haircuts or style in Robocop it's a post about how Robocop manages to be a totally over-the-top satire of corporatism, technology, capitalism, the media and the ideology of progress with ironic billboards and games that involve nuking your enemy before they nuke you and the new car the 6000 SUX.
though my parents had a 6000 when I was a kid and it did suck

but this isn't a post about how much my parents pontiac 6000 sucked, it's a post about how Robocop taught me that you don't leave nuclear waste lying around in back alleys in bad neighbourhoods because some guy could drive his van into it and wind up looking like this:

but this isn't a post about nuclear waste melting skin, it's a post about Robocop and how when we went to see it there were a bunch of super-wasted guys sitting in the row behind us who kept cheering and clapping and yelling and it was super annoying and rude because you know what? even though it's an old movie it doesn't mean you can act like a drunken douchebag and clap and yell at the parts you think are funny because news flash you're not the only one in the theater, dumbass.

but this isn't a post about stupid guys in the theater, it's a post about Robocop and how awesome Red from That 70's Show was as one of the bad guys and how his line "bitches, leave" to the coked-up prostitutes is probably one of the most badass low-key villain lines ever
but this isn't a post about how impressed I was by Kurtwood Smith's wicked performance in Robocop, it's a post about Robocop and how great I thought it was and how I'm glad I got to see it in all it's bad 80s glory on the big screen because you don't get the full effect of the gore and explosions and general badassery when you watch that kind of flick at home, I think.
and to refresh your mind about how terrible/awesome it is, enjoy the original trailer
but apparently the sequels all suck, so let's just forget they made those.
Every night is an adventure
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even though I obviously don't remember all of my dreams, I always feel like I wake up remembering a significant portion of part of a dream story (regaling poor Tyrone with my weird dream-stories in the morning is one of my favourite things to do :))that's why I was happy to find this cool vid on Tumblr today:
this has felt like the longest week ever (again). being in school and working has a weird way of sucking up all your free time & energy and leaving you wondering where it all went. tonight Tyrone and I are going on a dinner & movie date and we're seeing this and I am excited.
this is how I feel right now :)
I want to be her in this photo
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Audrey Hepburn is probably the prettiest woman ever and her Transatlantic accent makes me swoon. I am mildly obsessed with Transalantic accents, have you noticed? sometimes I fantasize about learning to speak with one and adopting some ridiculous life somewhere else, but where?
maybe that's the only thing stopping me.
besides Tyrone, school, my family, money, and the fact that I don't know how to mimic a Transatlantic accent and it's not the 60s.
now Audrey is talking to a guy in a fancy office. you know it's fancy because it has a piece of marble as a shelf on the radiator.
we do that in our apartment but it's just with glass.
things aren't nearly as fancy these days.