Tagged: pop-sodas
I promise this is the last time I'll bring this up
- by admin
Saturday after wine and singing along for the Johnny Broadway (ongoing) music vid shoot we were at Pop Soda's for Litta's birthday where we crashed a lesbian dance party (literally) and I was standing in the beer line with Johnny and this girl came up to me and was likeI need to tell you how beautiful you are. can I just... touch you? your hand or something?
and I don't know what level of wasted she was (probably very) but I know which level I was so I let her pet my hand like I was The Queen or something because, well, what else was I supposed to do?
so needless to say my ego exploded all over that joint
but it's not nice to brag which is clearly what I am doing (you would too) so this is officially the last time I am bringing up the story about The Girl Who Thought I Was So Beautiful She Wanted to Pet My Hand
so let's move on and watch this trailer for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Playing hooky on a school night
- by admin
okay not really because my classes are finished for this term and I have a day off tomorrow, but stillwas feeling antsy after spending so much time hunched over my desk writing papers yesterday that we hit up the now-infamous Pop Soda's for some of the good stuff
namely this:

and this:

the best part of the night was getting to hear Smoky Tiger aka The Manitobanditz, who honestly I'd never heard before. I love weird quirky music (#Winnipeg is great for this) and managed to Keek some of their cover of Nirvana's "Come As You Are"
we didn't stay to hear all of Jicah's set afterwards, but if you aren't already listening to them I highly recommend their stuff. Solid prairie music.
now we're home and I'm drinking hot chocolate that Tyrone made from scratch and we're listening to this:
nightnight! xo