Tagged: observations
there's a spot on campus where I like to sit
- by admin
I come and sit here whenever I can. it's a four-person table but it's always just me and like most of the tables in this little seating area in Lockhart Hall the chairs are attached to the tables by metal poles and swival a bit.like being in an academic mcdonalds.
I like sitting here because I can watch everything. to my right is a window
(and I always sit with the window to the right and my back to the wall. I don't like when people walk behind me)

the window overlooks boring stuff. a surface parking lot and the Booth College across from that and some sidewalks but because it's sidewalks around the school there are always interesting people walking by or driving by in cars that look like different kinds of dinosaur heads.
if I don't look out the window I eavesdrop and watch other students while pretending to write on my blog (like now).
I like listening to other people but my earphones are in playing a quiet BNL song so I'm sort of in my own world but not really. this way only the people worth paying attention to, the loud or obnoxious or angry ones actually catch my attention.
for example two girls at the next table over were having a discussion about horoscopes which meant the volume went up. another friend showed up and started talking about how her mom thought she was an alcoholic because she brought a bottle of vodka in her purse to class.
headphone volume down.
I spend a lot of time here studying and writing and listening and watching people. in three years I've sat here more times than I can count and it never stops being interesting.
what it's taught me is that people are infinitely complex with really dramatic problems that usually have simple solutions.
that there are some really well-dressed people who walk by my school.
that more students have imacs than anything else.
that boiled eggs are not okay to eat in a public place (smelly).
that lots of people are unhappy in their relationships and would rather complain to their friends than to their partners.
that we all drink too much coffee.
and that an unbelievable amount of women have the exact same voice. wtf.