Tagged: vikki
the back brake went on my bike today
- by admin
try saying that five times fast.
I was biking home from work on Vikki and was feeling kind of wobbly which is weird because usually I'm 100% confident on my bike and tame those roads like nobody's business but something felt weird and as I was just about to turn onto Maryland off of Wellington Ave my back brake shattered.
needless to say it was a precarious ride home after that because the city of Winnipeg doesn't bother to properly outline the bike lanes on its streets so cars are constantly forgetting you're biking there or trying to cross the street when you clearly have the right of way and it's a bit scary when you're trying to cross Portage Ave and this idiot woman who <i>is looking in the bloody other direction than the way she is turning</i> begins to turn right into where you and your bike lane are in the middle of the intersection but thankfully one of us (me) was paying attention and nobody (me) got hurt.
that being said I won't be hopping back on the 'ol girl until she's all fixed up, though I can't blame her for what happened, she's been around since the 70's and is covered in rust and still has her original JAGUAR paint jorb and I ride my bike constantly, so it's to be expected.
can't say that it doesn't break my heart, though.
however I'm lucky that tomorrow Tyrone's going to grab me a new brake cable after work and I can restore her to her amazing glory, as was pointed out on twitter last week: