Posts by admin
In case you've ever wondered what my workday is like
- by admin
this conversation is pretty sums it up.
here's what I miss about festival season
- by admin
greasy campire food
fatty arbuckle's at Motion Notion
drinking with friends
tryone getting drunker than me (for once!)
beating komus up with inflatable mallets
road trips
staying up all night
topless girls
rolling in the grass
weather that isn't -30 with the wind chill.
summer, come back!
wrote my one and only exam today
- by admin
that picture isn't true tho
I totally knew what wtf was up
that bitch was essay-style which meant lots of writing
and because there were 'key terms' we needed to identify
and a 'cheat sheet' we were allowed to bring in
which I didn't do until last night
because I had Connectmas gift exchange & potluck this weekend
and spent sunday in a post-drink stupor
(southern comfort is a deadly mistress, my friends)
yr grl was up till 2am working on that ish
because I like to over-prepare
and typed up both of my essay-style answers
before boiling them
to my cheat-sheet bullet points.
thankfully I didn't work today.
I slept in till the cat stepped on my face
and went to ace that shit
which I'm pretty sure I did.
essay-style exams are my favourites because
despite my shitty writing here
I'm a pretty good writer IRL
and I always get A's on my papers
(not to brag or anything)
and after three hours of furious writing
hand cramps
and trying to beat the clock
it was all over.
and is half the school year.
fck yeah.
Killing Them Softly looks okay
- by admin
what I really enjoyed about the trailer was that they included this song by Jonny Cash, which I really really like, and a surefire way to get me to pay attention to anything is to play a little Cash.
I'm not huge on hitman movies but I like brad pitt so I have the trailer a whirl, it didn't look terrible but nothing really stood out
except Brad Pitt's sweet hair.
while my lady-senses tell me that Brad Pitt is at his hottest when he's all cleaned up and well-groomed there's something about Brad Pitt all greasy and lowlife-looking that I really enjoy. don't ask why.
so between the rotten tomatoes "fresh" rating and the Cash in the trailer and the greasy hair maybe I'll watch it, after all
besides I need some movies to tide me over till the new star trek comes out.
Bro says "I've never seen anything like this before" and I agree
- by admin
but not about the gold bars
lookit that hair!
Winnipeg is the best place to be from
- by admin
which is something you don't hear often
not even from people from winnipeg
but it's true.
we're a big city still trying to be a small town
stuck being a small town with big-city problems
with shitty weather half the year
and a seething inferiority complex
in the middle of nowhere
and we spend more time slamming
our sketchy mayor
our shitty transit system
and our winters
than saying good things about anything.
but our little frozen hovel
stuck out in the prairie
like a defiant 'fuck you' to common sense
amazing artists, writers, and most of all musicians
and a complex, intricate love/hate relationship
with the place we call 'home'.
this town makes you nicer
you smile and say 'hello' and make small talk in line at tim horton's
help out your neighbours or that guy
whose car got snowed in up the block
not because you want someone to reward you for doing it
but because it's the nice thing to do, dammit.
being stuck in the middle of the country
makes us much more appreciative
of what other cities have
oh you have efficient mass transit?
oh your skyline has buildings in it?
and up until a few weeks ago
oh you have an IKEA?
its size makes us all connected
everyone's had too much to drink at the king's head
gone to osborne village on canada day
seen a show at the west end
had a greasy burger at blondie's
been harassed the twoonie lady downtown
and we've all suffered from
missing a bus that came thirty seconds too early
or getting stuck outside waiting for a bus that came twenty minutes late
trying to strike a balance between two options
which are never in your favour.
living here makes you hard
we're sarcastic and cynical and critical
of everything
especially ourselves
and especially our hometown
which is why when someone else makes fun of it
they can fuck off
because that's our job
and unless you've spent your life
shovelling snow and dealing with overnight parking bans
hanging out at the toad people-watching on the weekends
driving to grand beach during the summer
complaining about all the things you could do if only
you were somewhere else
you haven't earned the right to bash winnipeg.
because you don't love it like we do
especially not as as much as when we say
"I fucking hate this town".
- by admin
every day I walk across the Osborne Bridge to work and I always look downpartially because I'm a big kid & partially because I'm terrified of falling in
(which means I have to look, duh)
and cause it's winter the river is nearly frozen except for this one teeny open patch of water
and when I looked down I saw
a duck
all alone
paddling and paddling and paddling against the current
getting nowhere.
I watched this duck for a few minutes
leaning over the railing like a crazy person
staring at it
against the current
for no reason
and I thought
"that duck is me".
Hip Hop Sunday #56 Frank Ocean - Swim Good
- by admin
did schoolwork and blogged on secret blog today
but I remembered just in time
oh yeah
it's hip hop sunday.