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I'm reading a book where nothing happens

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well, that's not quite true. yesterday I read two chapters about japanese soldiers who were in china during WWII and one of them gets skinned alive and the other gets dumped down and well and at the end of the two chapters the character telling the story who lived through it bows at the main character and gets on a bus.

that's the most exciting thing that has happened in the book so far

and if what I remember is correct, it's the most exciting thing that happens in the whole book, but I could be wrong.

the book is the wind-up bird chronicle by haruki murakami and I'm reading it right now because I'm out of new books to read in my spare time which is shitty but buying myself new books right before christmas is an asshole move don't you think?

here is what wikipedia says about the plot of the book:

The novel is about a low-key unemployed man, Toru Okada, whose cat runs away. A chain of events follow that prove that his seemingly mundane life is much more complicated than it appears.

which makes me glad I read it years ago when I was younger and back before I could wikipedia everything because I wouldn't have read it based on that description. or maybe I would have, who knows?

I read the entire book in one day which is cray because it's actually three books in one volume. it was when I was living in hamilton and I went for a job interview in the next town over and my then-bf dropped me off and I had to wait around for him all day which was stupid of me. so I walked until I found an air-conditioned mall (it was summer) and bought the book and sat on various benches throughout the mall and also the food court until he was finished work and came to pick me up.

stupid, I know. so dumb.

as a result though I wound up reading this weird book with these really flat characters and a protagonist who seems pretty indifferent about what happens to him and some weird scenes like the skinning a guy alive one that I just talked about.

it wasn't my style of novel at the time but I'd made the commitment to read the damn thing and so I did.

it's funny how much you can get someone to read, even when nothing happens.

case in point.

Just a reminder

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hmm, feels like we've done this before.


my mom was all omg I have to show you this awesome vid

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and I was all ok

and she put on the above video which is a million years old

and I was all omg mom, are you for srs right now?

and she was all omg look at simon's face! omg so funny!

and I facepalmed

and realized that I should have expected something like this

and reminded myself that I love her anyway

and I thanked my lucky stars that she doesn't like cat videos.


tree. baking. pretty lights. the holidays.

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put up our tree last night. this 7 1/2 foot monstrosity that unfortunately is made of plastic and love instead of bark and needles because getting a real tree this year just wasn't in the cards since I was kinda scared my little cat-man wouldn't be a fan.

but as he is with all things, Ford is zen cat once we were done rearranging the furniture and making a mess and things went back to normal he stopped giving us the evil eye and hung around the tree like s'all good.

christmas baking is also complete, in total we made four different kinds to give to our nearest 'n dearest which took two weeknights in total to make which is the most time I've spent baking all year. yr girl doesn't do much baking because 1. it's not very good for ya and 2. patience is a virtue I don't really have.

but I sucked it up and baked and omg you guyse we made marshmallow from scratch which is apparently really really hard but we manhandled it because tyrone and I are a power couple.

it's finally winter throughout all of canada and while doing stuff that feels 'christmassy' makes the long canuck winters seem a bit more bearable

all last night I had this song stuck in my head and couldn't stop thinking

goddamn I miss folk fest.


we're in an abusive relationship with facebook

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let's just admit it already.

what was once a great user experience that connected us with everyone we had ever known and every single new person we met that (I'll admit) revolutionized the way we interact online, this relationship is going downhill and we need to face facts: it's just not good for us any more.

it changes our privacy and sharing options constantly (and resets them at random). it suggests weird and sometimes offensive ads based on what people in our feed say. it crashes (often). it's slow. it's become less about networking and sharing and more about ad revenue based on flash-based games and ads inserted into our news feeds. the only thing it is good at (event management) has fallen by the wayside so much that it's barely even worthwhile to use when there are third-party sites like out there.

and now facebook is going to be bringing videos to our already overly-cluttered networking experience.

auto-playing, probably audio-enabled, full-window, at least 15-second-long videos.

and it does all of this so blatantly, flying in the face of a positive user experience. nobody wants to deal with ads or videos or intrusive weird privacy policies that we constantly have to police and re-correct to the way we want them, but the people behind facebook do it anyway because profit is more important than respecting the people who made your site what it is in the first place.

as a user of multiple social networking sites, this hits me like a drunken smack to the jaw. none of my other beloved sites would treat me this way! why am I letting facebook get away with it? why are we?!

because we're stuck in an abusive relationship with it. it's safe, it's easy, we can go back whenever we want and even though sometimes we get frustrated and upset with it, and it does things that hurt us (like completely disregard our user experience), at the end of the day we feel like we can't do any better.

which is the very definition of being in an abusive relationship.

we can do better, Internet.

goddamn am I excited about the new star trek movie

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usually I'm pretty 'meh' about movies, even ones that I'm into I don't usually get all


over them because I don't want to be disappointed when they come out because

let's face it

most movies aren't all they're hyped up to be.

even when I saw the jj abrams star trek a few years back it took a few viewings to really have

the awesomeness that is that movie

really sink in

'cause I'm such a jaded a-hole.

plus I was young and stupid and kinda had a hard time taking star trek and transferring it from the

campy ridiculous movies and tv shows I'd grown up with

into this epic pieces of storytelling with lots of explosions and lens flare and sweet dialogue

but here we are.

how things change.

coming to you from a sugar coma

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the holidays are the best time because that's when we do our holiday baking

yr girl doesn't bake because it's expensive and time-consuming and generally I'd rather have a salad

but once a year tyrone and I pull out all the stops and make ridic bakes goodness for our nearest 'n dearest

because why the eff not? it's christmas after all.

the best/worst part about this endeavour is licking spatulas and sneaking chocolate chips

and this year

having some of the home-made marshmallow goodness that's serving as filling for some epic chocolate & bacon & peanut butter moon pies

(omg I know)

except I must be getting on in years because after two small licks of marshmallow off the spoon I had a stomach ache and my head hurt and my body suddenly felt way heavier

like I'd just mixed together a small child

and eaten it.

this if scary and confusing to me because I used to have such a sweet tooth

back when I was a wee lass

but now I can't even go into the kitchen and look in the direction of all the

moon pies and cream cheese and icing and sugar and bacon and omg

without getting a queasy feeling deep in my insides saying

that ish is gonna clog up yr veins, girl. stahp.

so I do and it's weird.

I must have transported myself to some weird alternate universe

where I don't want to eat sweets

and people kick dj shadow offstage at his own show

because they

like my stomach

don't know a good thing when they get it.

Hip Hop Sunday #57 Pusha T ft Tyler, The Creator - Trouble On My Mind

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spent last night decorating a christmas tree that wasn't ours

which was more fun than it sounds

probably because there was greasy pizza, rum & eggnog and

good friends to hang out with

which if you ask me is the ideal saturday during the holidays.

happy hip hop sunday.

Woke up today thinking it was Monday

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it isn't!

sometimes it's the little things that make yr day.

Believe what?

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sometimes I just don't get why people do things.

like climb mountains. go into the ocean in a cage while sharks swim around them and try to nom on their extremities. wear shirts with anime on them. eat spiders. run ultramartathons. gel their hair. listen to justin bieber. wear socks that are more 'hole' than sock. go vegan. and get tattoos of the IKEA monkey with the word 'believe' on their bodies.

the world is a strange place.

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