Posts by admin

Cake - I Will Survive

- by admin

back in the day I wasn't into cake.

I thought their spoken-word styles were weird and short skirt long jacket was too out-there for me.

but then I grew up and got better taste in music and realized


cake are actually the shit

and their covers are always




and that john mccrea grows a mean beard

which really gets my motor going.


almost done

- by admin

this is the last time this term I'll spend my entire day working and entire night writing a paper and be exhausted and brain-dead and think as I sit in bed

aw shit

I didn't blog today.

can't wait.


Hip Hop Sunday # 55 The Weeknd - House of Balloons/Glass Table Girls

- by admin

making brunch with ham and eggs and hash browns with caraway seeds in 'em

cause sometimes you need to get a bit fancy

even when you're cooking in yr underpants

at (almost) noon.

happy hip hop sunday.

I always remember my dreams

- by admin

once I had a dream that I was walking down the middle of a football field. it was 'indoors' because it had a roof over it and sunlight was coming in through spaces between the beams. there was a girl in a yellow dress and a white hat holding blue flowers and she let them go and I was running after them but couldn't catch them.

there was one time I had a dream I was drunk and trying to find a breakfast place. I was with tyrone and kat and we were all drunk-dialling people trying to find out which place was open and I wanted pancakes but Smitty's wasn't open.

there was one night I dreamt that tyrone and I were looking at this building that's actually being reno'd into condos a few streets over, and we went to go look at 'em but all the suites had this big, shared vaulted ceiling. only the bedrooms in the suites had individual ceilings which is hard to explain but it's true. we were all 'wtf' because there were all these couples clamouring to buy them and we were all 'guys you don't have any privacy' and they were like 'whatevs'.

one time I dreamt about tambourines but that was only because ford was playing under the bed wearing his collar with a bell on it.

last night I dreamt about



I have some mad skills

- by admin

but not like these.

had a fight with Tyrone today

- by admin

it was shitty and it wasn't fun and I don't even know how it ended

which is how a good fight should end, I think

though I know how it started

it was something stupid which meant it was about something important


so we fought and it sucked and I was gonna go for a walk to chill out

but I didn't, and we wound up talking for a long time

and then we were all

so um, wanna make a snack?

and we hugged in the kitchen while making a tasty plate

and sat on the bed eating liverwurst and crackers with pickles and mustard

and now we're in bed internetting

listening to chiptunes and creeping pictures of viggo

and soon we'll put the laptops away and turn off the light

and make up for reals.

soup with pickles

- by admin

was going to blog last night but that title is as far as I got

I'm sick and curled up in bed with my ipad and archer on one side and tyrone on the other and was asleep before 10pm.

but what I was gonna say


remember when you were a kid and all you wanted to eat


hotdogs and hamburgers and french fries

and mcdonalds?

salads were boring

and chicken that wasn't in nugget form was gross

and anything could be okay to eat

as long as it was covered in ketchup.

when peppers were too weird and crunchy

and brussel sprouts were unheard of

and you'd never catch yourself saying

"I don't feel good

can you gimme that soup with pickles in it?"

how things change.

had a scary dream last night

- by admin

it involves blood and vaginas (mine) so stop reading here if that squiks you out.

basically I was having a dream in my dream (dreamception) about something, Archer, maybe, and in the dream-within-a-dream I was pushing something out of me. you know like when sometimes you're dreaming and you have to pee so in your dream you feel like you have to pee? like that, kinda. except in my dream-within-a-dream I was pushing something out of my vag and when I 'woke up' (in the dream) there was blood all over the bed and it was very, very real.

so still in the dream I get up and I'm covered with blood and it's dripping everywhere. on the bed, sheets, carpet, and I go to reach for the doorknob and my hands are all covered in dripping blood and I'm thinking omg did I have a miscarriage or something wtf is going on and my mom opens the door and starts screaming at me because I bled all over her nice, pink sheets.

I think the dream went somewhere else after that but that's the part I remember and it scared me. it still is scaring me. not because I'm afraid of having a miscarriage (birth control ftw) or because I'm afraid of upsetting my mom (old news) but something about the whole scenario really frightened me. also vaginal bleeding. ew.

I keep thinking about it and how real it was and I want to get it out of my head, except I've been doing schoolwork all afternoon and randomly in-between writing my paper proposal and working on my keynote presentation it'll randomly pop back into my head and freak me out.

so I decided to write about it here.

you're welcome.

today is my cake day

- by admin

the day I was born my dad was out golfing which is a big deal because we almost always have snow on the ground by remembrance day. he was out enjoying the mild weather and having a good time and I decided to show up and ruin it all. luckily I was in a hurry to get here so he didn't have to hang around the hospital too long. but he didn't finish that golf game.

sorry dad.

today it's snowing and last night we went out in the blizzard and drank expensive cocktails and watched burlesque dancers dance to 007-themed music. we all dressed up and @mister_mulligan was there in an amazing scaramanga getup. I had a couple of double gin & tonics and left a a big red lipstick mark on 's cheek after he got the trombone player to play just for me so I could take a photo.

sorry mulligan.

friday night we went to the king's head and lots of people came out to help me celebrate and bought me lots of beers and irish carbombs (but you're not supposed to call them that) and a random tried to hit on me through @adriantrimble but he defended my honor and also tyrone's like a good friend should. it was all fine and dandy until I accidentally spilled @kenquist's beer all over him. then it was time to leave.

sorry kevin.

today we're hanging in and enjoying a relaxing sunday and I don't have to work tomorrow which is nice. we're playing zelda and tyrone is going to make me dinner and all my family have called to wish me a happy birthday and I've received tons of messages and texts and tweets and even a sweet blog mention. you've all made me feel so wonderful and loved, and I really appreciate every one of you who has taken the time to say hello.

thanks guys!

big hearts.

Hip Hop Sunday #55 Peaches - Billionaire

- by admin

because everyone loves peaches

and it's my birthday.

fuck yeah.

happy hip hop sunday.


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