Posts by admin
did I mention yesterday was Kat's birthday?
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even though she keeps reminding me that she's older than I am which is technically true because she's born two months before me, we're actually the same age and one day when we're old I'm going to constantly remind her that she's 'technically' older than me. which means she'll be an old lady before me which is okay.a few months ago I had to get my passport stuff and she's one of my character references and we both realized that we've known each other for basically a decade which is really sad because nobody should have to put up with my shenanigans. sometimes we bring it up just to marvel that we actually have some sort of history together even though we're only twentysomethings but also because she and I actually weren't friends for a really long time.
the first time I met her we were 15 or so and at the same high school and she was showing some people some drawings she'd done which were actually really good but what pissed me off was that she was saying "these are some drawings I've done, aren't they good?" and I was all "bitch please, get over yourself" and we had beef for a long time afterward because 1. we're actually really alike and 2. because I thought she was a snob and she thought I was a bitch (the latter of which is probs true).
recently we were talking and I mentioned this whole scenario and -oh yeah, did I mention that kat's actually from Old Country aka The Ukraine and has the cutest accent? it's important because I was all
yeah I really thought you were full of yourself
and she was all
I didn't speak any english and was trying to make friends
which made me feel like the worst friend ever for not realizing that, duh, she was just trying to fit in and I was a mean teenager (though I already knew that last part).
I've managed to grow up into an okay person but kat has grown up into this really sweet, caring and amazing person that I feel really lucky to have in my life. in fact she's probably one of the nicest people I know.
so happy (belated) birthday, bb. love you lots
There are a lot of times that people bullshit in this world
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this isn't one of them.
this is probably one of the most raw, emotional and moving things I've ever seen.
do yourself a favor and watch it.
In case you were wondering about that Pint of Justice shoot from the wee
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here's a teaser image that may not be as funny to all of you as it is to some of usbut @adriantrimble looks awesome nevertheless
so I needed to share
back to prepping for Pecha Kucha
which is only two nights away omg omg.
(photo courtesy of @cenquist's twitter feed, wicked photography & editing by @benquist)
Hip Hop #48 Nas - Daughters
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spent all day yesterday at @cenquist's place (and @benquist's, too) shooting vid for the Pint of Justice mini-film he's putting together
laughs were had
beer was drank
pizza was eaten
and I got to hit on @adriantrimble on film
which was pretty awesome.
except that was yesterday
and today's Hip Hop Sunday.
so enjoy it!
I'm not funny like Harrison Ford
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I try to be, but honestly I can't tell a joke to save my life. most of my wit comes from off the cuff rebuttals and sarcastic remarks, which is okay but there's a fine art in telling a good joke I think.
I just get too wound up over stuff. like last night I was playing super mario galaxy and was trying to do this stupid race with a stupid boo and it just wasn't working. I kept rushing. jumping the gun. not delivering the punchline.
so I got tyrone to beat it for me so I could just save the level and go play zelda because effed if I was wasting my time getting annoyed with a stupid ghost wearing a helmet in space.
I have bigger fish to fry.
we're watching Star Trek: The Journey Home
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why? because we just watched Star Trek: The Search for Spock of course and it only makes sense that we watch the follow-up film immediately because it's an even number and apparently the even-numbered Star Trek movies are the better ones in the series.
also because of this conversation:
what's weird is that despite the fact that Kirk keeps blowing shit up and killing people, they keep reprimanding him and giving him guff even though he always saves the world and sometimes more than one world. you'd think Starfleet would just know to let him do his thing by now, but no. they never learn.
what's also weird is that shatner's acting doesn't get any better with the successive movies. you'd think with all this practice he wouldn't sound so stiff and unnatural but, nope, he's still pretty rough.
I guess that doesn't matter when you kick ass though.
I used to watch Star Trek when I was a kid but was never that into it. probably because my mum watched Start Trek Voyager which from what I understand is one of the least awesome Star Treks, or so The Internet and my boyfriend at the time told me.
nevertheless I used to hang with her in the evenings as she watched it on the Space Channel, remember that? is it still on? I don't have cable, you tell me.
I don't really get people who choose to keep regular cable these days, actually. between Netflix and Hulu and downloading stuff (which I totally don't do) and streaming tv through web browsers it seems like an expensive way to kill time by flipping between channels.
maybe it means I'm getting old.
maybe I'm not cool anymore?
twentysomethings who watch old Star Trek on weeknights are totally cool.
I'm a sucker for covers
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like today we were listening to this amazing playlist on songza called space age bachelor pad and this song came on that we got up and started dancing to (yeah I know) and then I couldn't find it again
what was it? oh you know, just this cover random of a song from my fair lady by bobby darin
and damn was it a catchy cover
which led to this ridiculous 20+ min search for somewhere I could listen to it again and post here which it turns out is basically impossible. maybe it's to do with the rights on the song or something but it's nowhere to be found, and I had to buy it on itunes the old-fashioned way and have no way to share it with y'alls.
oh well, you get this wicked cake cover instead.
remember cake? how could you forget?
well I did, for a while actually and was only reminded that they existed a few years back when tyrone came over just after we'd started seeing each other. you know that phase where you make sure to gargle mouthwash and sweep yr place and make sure you didn't leave a bunch of hair in the bathroom? yeah, then.
we were having an origami date which involved sitting on the floor in my tiny living room drinking red wine on a weeknight (which I rarely do) and eating grapes and cheese and make elegant paper cranes which I was awful at and of course tyrone excelled at doing. of course.
and I don't remember why but he put on short skirt long jacket and I was blown away by the cleverness of the lyrics that honestly I'd just never really paid attention to as a stupid kid when it came out.
I think I fell in love with him a little more because he reintroduced me to cake. but don't tell him that.
afterwards he sang along to their cover of strangers in the night while we sat on the couch and it's one of my favourite songs ever and that was basically it. I was done for, totally head-over-heels.
that's all it took.
I can't freaking blog today
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I'm stuckI'm frustrated
everything's coming out wrong
and it's almost midnight
and I wanna say something to you
but effed if I know what
so here's a cool video to tide you over while I figure it out
see you kids tomorrow <3
wait for it
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it's worth it, I promise.
can't hang long today guys
I've got a whole shit-ton of schoolreads to do
because I got my ass handed to me in a quiz today
on the second day back, no less!
bloody university
bloody 3000-level courses
bloody the odyssey
(okay maybe not that last one, it's a good read)
but damn
I've gotta pull my socks up
I can't be caught not-remembering the particulars of Nausicaa and Odysseus meeting
or Ong's thoughts on what's wrong with 'oral literature' are
feck off, studying.
Hip Hop Sunday #47 Puff Daddy ft Faith Evans - I'll Be Missing You
- by admin
had this stuck in my head lately for no reason in particular
last night we had jason and kat over and I drank a lot of vodka
I don't usually drink vodka but for some reason we decided that's what would be done and I was up till like 3am hanging out and only woke up just now
I'm tired, and sore
but that's because I exercised like a mofo this week so I could Drink Vodka on Saturday Night
how was your weekend?
(and happy hip hop sunday)