Tagged: Life
Slept on the couch this afternoon
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not because I was tired
but because I was angry
at nothing.
Everything was annoying.
Everything sucked.
Even though
everything is
utterly amazing
right now.
(Waah waah waah)
It's stupid how
even when we should be
we make ourselves so
For no reason.
Luckily all yr girl needed
was a nap
some weird dreams
cat holds
To not rage at the world anymore.
Today is John's birthday
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Originally from Windsor, Ontario (which smells like gravy) John rocked out in a bunch of punk rock bands before moving to Winnipeg in order to make it 1000 times cooler.
One of those bands was called Sewing with Nancie which was a band that one of my ex-boyfriends happened to be obsessed over.
He was from another smaller Ontario town and had also moved to Winnipeg and was super into punk-rock and used to make me listen to Sewing with Nancie as we drove around in his Kia Spectra so naturally when I found out this weird connection my brain went like this:

But anyway.
I didn't meet John through my ex.
I met John how you meet all of the best people: while drunk and at a large social event with friends.
I was at the Winnipeg Wine Fest with Tyrone and my regular posse and he was there with my friend whom he was dating at the time.
Somehow between being outrageous and slamming back teeny glasses of wine we found ourselves skulking around port table together and (naturally) a friendship was born.
Since then we've had a plethora of ridiculous experiences which include but are not limited to:
romping in onesies
going on road trips
having inappropriate moustache parties
drinking beers in a giant blanket fort
eating KD on Pope's Hill watching the sun rise at Folk Fest
hanging porn up in other people's tents
curling in a bonspiel
skating and drinking SoCo
meeting a freaking astronaut

and a million other random, amazing things together.
It kinda goes without saying that he's one of my favourite people in the world, and I think I can safely speak for Tyrone and say that we both feel really lucky to count him as a friend.
So happy birthday, John.
May your synths always be poppy,
your leggings always be outrageous,
and your life always be full of good coffee, good beer & good times.
yr girl Shaner
Just hit a personal low
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Don't be too jealous of my fabulous lifestyle, now.
Things I've learned so far while reading 'Ulysses'
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- Apparently the proper way to read the book is with at least one guide book which essentially deconstructs the chapters for you and explains what's going on. Which seems a bit backwards because isn't that the point in reading the book, anyway? To figure out what's going on?
- Apparently a lot of people find it to be an incredibly challenging read and have trouble getting to the part of the book that I managed to get to in a single sitting. Which means either I'm a genius, or I have no idea what I'm doing. You decide.
- Apparently I'm not going to understand what the f is happening until I reread all 700ish pages of it again at some point in the future. Great!
- Apparently skipping back to previous chapters is totally normal and accepted, which I didn't realize was unique to Ulysses because I do that with basically every novel I read.
- Apparently reading the introduction, the errata, and the notes to pages sections are basically useless, which is good because I don't usually read that stuff, anyway, and didn't this time.
- Apparently every time I pick up the book I'm going to think of this via Kate Beaton:

and also this:
Things that I rocked today:
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- Baking midnight cupcakes
(because why the f not)
- Grooving out in my living room to Robyn
- An interview at a really exciting prospective job
(people like when you give a double thumbs-up, right?)
- Taking care of Tyrone after his dental surgery
(as per usual)
- My CodeAcademy lessons
- Home-made chicken noodle soup
- Totally not falling in a single puddle at all
- This blog post
Volunteered at Siloam Mission for the first time last night
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and wasn't prepared for what an amazing experience it would be.I went with my parents, who have been volunteering for two years or so and to their credit have been bugging me to come with them forever.

Because in addition to giving up every Thursday night to come down and help serve dinner, my mum also does a ton of baking for the patrons so they always have a wide variety of desserts.
When you ask her about it she'll be like "oh it's no big deal" even though it's totally a big deal.
Which is why she's so cool.
So we went in and started prepping for dinner which was slow-cooker pulled turkey, mashed potatoes, veggies, salad and dessert and it was crazy to see how quickly everything came together and even crazier to see how quickly it went.
The line was intense and we served basically nonstop for over an hour.
I got to meet some really great, hilarious people who made the hours fly by in the blink of an eye.
But the real joy was being able to interact a little bit with the patrons, because it's really easy to become cynical and dismissive of people in our society who are less fortunate than we are.
We've all ignored that outstretched hand at least once in our lives.
So being able to help give them something of value -a warm place to hang out for a while, a decent meal, a friendly face- really affected me deeply.
I realized halfway through my shift that I recognized a lot of the faces coming through the line from my years of living, working, and going to school in downtown Winnipeg.
These people who smiled and waved and joked with us as they waited for their meals. People who thanked us and said "god bless you" and came back afterward to complement us on the food.
I saw a side of these people that I hadn't seen before, and it was wonderful.
You know, I go on a lot about how much I try to be a decent, contributing citizen and be someone who actually gives a damn about the world around me, and it felt good to start putting some money where my mouth is.
It was hands-down one of the most rewarding things I've ever done, and I'll definitely be going back next week.
I wasn't going to blog about this, but I will
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Because I advocate writing as a therapy.
I always say things like "if you don't bear yr soul nobody will give a damn about what you had to say" which I still think is true.
If I expect people to give a damn when I'm at my highest, they need to know me when I'm at my lowest.
Right now I'm at my lowest.
The past few months, however, I was at my highest: I was working somewhere amazing and I loved the shit out of my job.
I loved the people I worked with. I loved the work that I did. I even loved our clients, as much as they drove me crazy on occasion.
I walked into work every day happy to be there.
But good things don't always last.
Challenges exist to teach us lessons
the trials we face in life help us grow
and all that stupid bullshit people say to try and save face when their heart is breaking.
So now that you know that my heart is breaking
let me say this:
I'm going to miss that place. I'm sad that I've left.
But I wish everyone there all the best, because they deserve it.
Rock on, DF.
yr girl Shaner
I wish I could go back to
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the weekend sitting in a living room in the almost-dark
listening to Treeful of Starling
while you sang along
and I smiled
watching Tyrone in his lucha mask being outrageous
in the next room.
Then I said
"I love him"
and you said
"I know. You both have something special.
I feel lucky to be able to be around you guys"
and I said
or maybe just thought to myself
we're all so lucky.
Sunday night, feelin' fine
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I haven't felt this relaxed in weeks.
Not even that time I went for that massage a few weeks ago. I was all nervous and anxious and didn't enjoy it at all.
I think I walked out of there more stressed out than when I walked in.
Isn't what what massages are supposed to fix? Honestly.
Turns out what I need to unwind are these 10 steps:
1. Sleep my ass in
2. Make a healthy & tasty brunch
3. Hit the gym & run like a mofo
4. Do deadlifts & squats like a boss
5. Come home n clean the apartment
6. Run a bath
7. Sit in the bath and read TIME Magazine
8. Use up my Tiber River goodies from MBlog
9. Drink chamomile tea with honey
10. Hug my cats & Tyrone
Perfect. I feel ready to take on anything.
If I could just melt into the floor into a puddle of bliss, I would.
But I can't.
So I blog instead.